Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the concern around getting bitten by a mosquito in Thailand?

Other than the annoying itching and swelling that result from a mosquito bite, diseases carried by mosquitos are also problematic, in particular, dengue fever... In 2013, a total of 150,934 people came down with dengue fever.  [Read more]


  • Why are some people mosquito magnets?

If you feel as if every mosquito in a 50-mile radius has you locked in its sights, while your friends are rarely bitten, you could be right. Up to 20 percent of us are highly alluring to mosquitoes—and scientists have discovered some surprising reasons. [Read more]


  • What should I use to lower the chance of getting bitten by mosquitoes?

There are a number of ways to lower the chance of getting bitten but ultimately it is up to you to choose which is best for you. Use a repellent, but use it correctly if you are using DEET [Read more]. Cover your body with clothes, wear lighter colors, don't wear perfumes/colognes, request mosquito coils and place them upwind, use a mosquito net when travelling... etc.


  • How does a mosquito repellent work?

Female mosquitoes bite people and animals because they need the protein found in blood to help develop their eggs. Mosquitoes are attracted to people by skin odors and carbon dioxide from breath. The active ingredients in repellents make the person unattractive for feeding. Repellents do not kill mosquitoes. Repellents are effective only at short distances from the treated surface, so you may still see mosquitoes flying nearby. [source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC]


  • Should I use DEET?

The topic is “controversial” because although DEET is deemed safe for use as long as guidelines are followed, there have been a number of cases where DEET has been identified or suspected as the culprit for serious side-effects and sometimes death. It should also be noted that several of the cases have shown that the side effects impact children in much larger numbers than adults. [Read More]


  • Can insect repellents be used on children as the same as adults?

Most repellents will have age restrictions on the label, but many companies forget to address potential issues that arise with children use in particular. For example, licking, biting and ingesting of such repellents. In the case of DEET, as part of the guidelines for proper use, one should wash off the skin and clothing it is applied to as soon as possible after use. However, how often may parents forget this step? More than you think and this is a concern nevertheless since DEET is absorbed into the skin and has been linked to many side-effects.


  • Is it safe to use insect repellent during pregnancy?

It depends on the type you choose. Use caution with any product that contains the chemical diethyl-3-methyl benzamide (DEET), which is often found in tropical mosquito repellents. A certain amount of the chemical is absorbed through the skin into your bloodstream. In large doses, it can make you seriously ill. DEET has been shown to increase the risk for birth defects in chicks, but not in rats or rabbits. [source:]


  • Is Citronella effective as a repellent in warding off mosquitoes?

Citronella's mosquito repellent qualities have been verified by research, including effectiveness in repelling Aedes aegypti (dengue fever mosquito). The US Environmental Protection Agency states that citronella oil has little or no toxicity when used as a topical insect repellent, with no reports of adverse effects of concern over a 60 year period. [Read More]


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